Karine Schomer
1 min readFeb 7, 2019


Couldn’t agree more! The so-called ‘soft’ skills are far more difficult to acquired than the so-called ‘hard’ vocational skills. It’s unfortunate that most HR departments and recruiters focus primarily on matching new hires based almost exclusively on the needed vocational skills. The altMBA sounds like a great place to start learning those all-important ‘soft’ skills. By the way, another place you learn them is through a well-rounded liberal arts education. Employers should rush to employ English, History and Art majors, understanding that they will most likely find it fairly easy to pick up the vocational skills! I argue that the soft skills are even more important when you’re working in global management, and need to have an even more ‘soft’ skill strength in order to deal with the cross-cultural challenges. See https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/skills-you-need-manage-globally-surprise-theyre-mostly-schomer/



Karine Schomer

I explore the worlds of society, politics, culture, history, civilizations, language, life lessons— wherever curiosity takes me. karineschomer@cmct.net